For many years, Transport for London have claimed that their cameras “alone” have reduced Killed and Seriously Injured numbers by “58%” but the analysis provided here and copied to them in 2014, shows beyond rational dispute that at best their cameras have no effect, at worst they cause significant increases.
I and others have repeatedly brought this evidence to the attention of TfL’s senior officers but the refuse to face facts.
- Transport for London's Bogus Claims
- False Claims in TfL planning document
- Maher 2015-09-11 TfL conference talk
- Mike Maher on TfL false claims
- Letter to L Daniels 17 Mar 15
- Second letter to Daniels
- Christopher Booker Dec 14 article
- Christopher Booker March 15
- Foi reply re cameras
- Daniels' refusal to face facts
- TfL panel's refusal to face facts
- Sunday Times article on TfL